Departures Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
On the scheme below you can see the current departure times of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. You can see exactly at what time a flight departs. This way you know when to check-in. Avoid missing your flight. You can see live when a flight departs from Schiphol, the current departure time and whether a flight has been delayed in departure.
The departure times Amsterdam Airport Schiphol on the schedule below are divided over different time periods. Do you know when your flight approximately leaves? Then select the right time slot so you know exactly when your flight leaves from Schiphol. This schedule shows the flight number, the departure time and the current status of the flight.
Select the correct date, time slot and immediately see all the current departure times from Schiphol. All flights are displayed live here.
Departure flights from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
On this schedule you can see exactly which flights depart from Schiphol. The correct time is indicated here. Select the time slot in which your flight departs and see exactly what time you need to board. Search by flight number, airline or by time period. You can also select the date of tomorrow to see the departure times of your flight.