Iran won’t pay for shooting down Boeing 737

Iran won’t pay for shooting down Boeing 737

Iran won’t pay for shooting down Boeing 737

Iran has no intention of paying compensation for the shot down Boeing 737 of Ukraine International Airlines. The aircraft was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile shortly after take-off on 8 January 2020. All 176 passengers and crew members of the Boeing 737-800 were killed.

Compensation for surviving relatives

The Iranian government does intend to pay compensation to the relatives of the victims. The government is negotiating the amount of this compensation. According to the Iranian government, Ukraine International Airlines should turn to the insurance company. They should compensate the loss of the Boeing 737-800. First Iran came up with a statement that the plane had a technical problem. Shortly after the disaster it became clear that it was an Iranian missile.

(c) Photo: Ukraine International Airlines – Boeing 737

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