Boeing 737 MAX may fly again this week

Boeing 737 MAX may fly again this week

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Boeing 737 MAX may fly again this week

According to Bloomberg, the ban on the Boeing 737 MAX will probably be lifted this week. This will be announced tomorrow by the FAA after a ban of 20 months. Initially, the permission to fly the Boeing 737 MAX only applies to America. Bloomberg indicates to have received information from an FAA insider. Steven Dickson (FAA) announced earlier this month that there would be news about the Boeing 737 MAX in the near future.

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines is the largest Boeing 737 MAX user. However, they have already indicated that they will not put the Boeing 737 MAX back into service until the middle of 2021. Until then, Southwest’s Boeing 737 MAX aircraft will be in storage anyway. American Airlines has indicated that it would like to resume operations with the Boeing 737 MAX as soon as possible. EASA has announced in a press release that the Boeing 737 MAX will probably be allowed to fly again in Europe before the end of the year.

(c) Photo: Southwest Airlines – Boeing 737 MAX

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